Monday, March 3, 2008

We are headed to New Orleans!

What a girlfriend weekend this will be! I can wait to be celebrating with many of you in October and what a place to celebrate my 40th birthday with each of you, so I hope you will all spa America and join me in one of the best destinations in the South! We will dine at the finest restaurants, we will have a blast on a river boat cruise! And we are on the edge of the French Quarter, full of fun and rich heritage! I hope you will be joining me! Be sure to share with 4 Spa Girls by March 31st and something exciting will be rewarded to you by BC on April 1st! All they said was Less is More, you read between the lines!

What an incredible Leadership Conference it was for all 250 of us, you can now enjoy all the excitement in the pictures beside this post! We learned so much, for one, we know now we are a ATM machine, which is anytime cash! Anytime you need a little spending money, all we have to do is SPA! We learned that we are with just a handful of companies that pays out 50% commissions to their consultants! We really do have incredible earnings opportunities available to even the part part time spa girl! Just $300 a month could dramatically impact a families lifestyle! Who knew that the average family is living 130% over what they are bringing in, meaning you have an incredible way for them to get ahead. The stories of all the life changes were inspirational and many were rewarded on our team!!!!!!! Blog me back if you were an award winner in Dallas. Dawn Simmons was the #1 recruiting Executive Director and Tammy Vogler also was the #1 recruiter in her category! It was awesome seeing all the rewards and recognition!
It was an honor seeing Lynda Alexander and Gari Flowers be recognized on stage as brand new Sr Executive Directors!!!!!! Amazing what they have done to change thousands of lives!!!!!
We had 2 amazing promotions on March 1st, Marie Garrett is a new Executive Director & she never dreamed of doin this for a business, much less promoting to one of the top levels in the company!!!!!!!! Marie believes in the power of spa and she has never missed an awards recruiting trip since she joined, she promoted out 2 lives that will be forever changed, Amy Scott and Candy Olberding and she is living the freedom life she so desperately needed to balance her career and family! She actually was fired from her job for going to help her brother take care of his kids(her neice & nephew) when her sister- in- law suddenly died at a very young age.
When she returned from helping them, she already had her kid's spring break planned and there was no way she was missing out on that after what she had been through! Little did she know when she returned to the office that they would let her go telling her that her priorities were not in line!!!!!!!!! This was several years ago, but I remember thinking when she called me, another life saved!!!! Marie drives a beautiful red racy Mustang and really is living her life be design. BeautiControl was her plan B, but quickly became her plan A! You truly never know what the future holds so it never hurts to be ready! Congrats to Marie and her Executive team, together anything is possible!!!!!!!
My next post will be about a young brand new Mustang Driver, Lisa Rendina, from California! She bought the kit several times before she took the business seriously, her story coming this week! This is one smart SPA GIRL!!!!!!
One of my favorite things I heard at the conference is that we are really a personal developement company disguised as a Direct Sales company! Have you grown since you joined??
Maybe you can go & thank the person that asked you to join~ WHAT A LIFE CHANGING BUSINESS!!!!!! You are powerful beyond measure!!

I will leave you with some tips gathered from one of Marie Garrett's leaderss, Tina Caron!
Please email me your top 10 tips learned at Leadership so I can share with all those that were not there!THANKS SO MUCH FOR SHARING TINA! Everyone can get a taste of Dallas!

Tina's Top 10~
1. At my age that I can still survive on 4 1/2 hrs of sleep a night

2. BC went the extra mile for this promotion by giving for every recruit and challenging us to help take the company to the next level -- this is definitely corporate thinking outside the box and thinking of others. My recruiting will now focus on helping those kids. That is something I'm passionate about. I may have found my why.

3. That our company can still produce amazing products and explain it so I can replicate it - TFF - wow!!

4. The speakers were energized and I got excited again.

5. The speakers taught me words to say and different ways to say it.

6. Blair showed us how easy makeup can be simple - I needed to stop making it so scary and just do it.

7. Learned a great way to qualify recruits - thank you Kitty Barrow =
Dawn's way too!!! Great minds think alike!
$225 Retail (plus tax/shipping)
$100 to the new recruit when her spa sales are $225 (see above)
$175 in free product goes to you for doing the spa
= $500 Retail order at sign up paid for

8. Georgia Savoie reminded us how to be gracious and witty with your clients. The little things you do that count too. Like wrapping each product in tissue when they reorder, adding a few makeup sponges when they order foundation.

9. I got to see BC reward those behind the scenes -- our support staff at BC. I take notice when a company not only takes care of those in the field but also those behind the scenes.

10. Hostess coaching -- how to make it simple, keep it simple and to own it.

Thanks to everyone who invested time in your future and joined us in Dallas, Celebration will be here quickly and they will sell out, join us!!! Don't miss the conference calls, they are the secret to your success!
Dream Big!!!! It will never pay to dream small! Check back on Fridays for new postings! Please blog back any great Leadership tips!!!!
Your Spa Girl On The Go!!!!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Oh what a feeling!!!!!!!!

As promised I will be blogging every week sharing with each of you some empowering stories that I hope will touch you and inspire you to do whatever it takes to make this life your life by design! One of my newest up & coming stars said this, "I am so ready to stop trading my time for a paycheck and start living an amazing life with a satisfying career that afords me the opportunity to positively impact my family and the lives of other women." This is Ellen's 5th time to join BeautControl, she knows that the time is now, no what if I would of........ just lets make it happen now! This business is 95% attitude & mind control, you really can do anything when you believe in it!!!!! Just ask yourself, How strongly do I believe that this is the best career available for women today??

This week was an incredibly special week, first I lived through my daughter having dry sockets, we spent a lots of together time this week since her surgery, she is about to go off to college in the fall & I am grateful for the time we have together. In March I will join her & all her friends in Destin for Spring Break & in May I will join her again in Cancun on her Senior trip, I can't believe I will be taking my daughter to Coco Bongo's!

You see I get to choose how I spend my time & I am taking as much time as I can with the most precious gift I have, my daughter! Her picture will appear in the slide show so look for her!

Now for my 2nd special moment, driving into the Ford Dealership in Southaven, MS & seeing the most beautiful red Mustang, knowing how this car changed a young womans life. How one of her best friend's is a BeautiControl sister Director, Jessica Schwegel, how proud her husband was to see that car & that YES, we really do give away free Mustangs for those that choose, to see the look in Amy's eye as she walked in with the many their to applaud her accomplishment!!!!!!!
It was just a unforgetable day for the many that want to live the same dream Amy now is.

Enjoy the pictures - it was an amazing day!!!!!
I asked Amy about her day & here is what she had to say.........................
I can tell you this about Amy ~ she has many obstacles & more nay sayers than you can imagine, but she pressed on anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't let anyone take your dream away from you! Do it because you can, prove to world what you are made of, earn your dream life!

From Amy~
And the insurance lady said "well they'll be no lien holder" In a world where you almost have to acquire debt to buy assets, I get to truly OWN a brand new car -debt free ~ WOW! That makes me cry. I grew up with no money. I am so proud of myself to own this car - debt free. The title will me mine! Not some banks and a big fat car note for 5 years. Because we are able to sell one of our cars, we will be saving so much money in interest and car notes! I am very GRATEFUL!

The car is beautiful. It smells so new! It is fast & sooooo fun to drive. Even more fun to look into your garage and see it parked there! I keep looking at it. I am very impressed with how Beauticontrol sets it up. The inspection sticker and car tags were paid for and already on the car. That is over the top! They are AWESOME!!! The beauty of it all is that I was working to build a business and a stay at home income but along the way I earned this car for FREE! In this business you get both!

Gary has always wanted a mustang. He loves sports cars, but needs a truck. He wanted to show the mustang to his Dad right away. One of my greatest desires in my marriage is to make him proud. I know he is proud of me for other things but this he is definitely proud of!

I just want to say THANK-YOU to all of you that got to come yesterday. I love you girls. I love the friends I have made. It made the day so special. That is a memory that will be etched in my mind forever! I can't believe people brought me gifts. You guys are so sweet!Thank-you Blair and Marie for all you have done that brought me here. Thank-you Jessica for being a GREAT friend! Thank-you to my team for being so loyal to me!

The car is my ultimate trophy. It represents the commitment I made to make this business work! I love doing spas. Even the bad spas led me to this car and this lifestyle. I am so spoiled and I almost feel guilty, but if they wanna keep giving me cars & trips, I guess I'll take them!

Off to work....... the Lexus is next!

Amy Scott(Amy is now qualifying for the Lexus Director Growth Program-they just keep giving as you grow to Director-the giving never ends with BC)

My next blog will be next week from Leadership- I can't wait!!!!!!!!
You Spa Girl On The Go, Blair

Friday, February 15, 2008

This is my first day for our new team blog entittled "Spa Girl On The Go"~
Please check back weekly for new posts & pictures! I hope to hear from many of you with your good news and marketing ideas that I will share weekly on this site!

This blog is for everyone to stay connected by photo's, good news, and what's happening in my world! Today many things are happening in my life! My 18 year old had her wisdom teeth removed this morning and once again I am grateful to be a at home mom(always being there for my kids is a gift) & living an executive level lifestyle. My hubby & son are ski-ing right now in Lake Tahoe for the weekend and I am just grateful for the many blessings in my life like my mom-in-law who is here making mashed potatoes and chicken noodle soup so Jessica can have something good to eat over the weekend.

Today I had a few spa girls over and we started calling schools and got great response from the many we called and are following up with emails and calls next week! Everything you do will lead you somewhere~ the key here is doing! If you are doing this for a business, you have to get up everyday and treat this like a job. Invest time daily in your business and soon it will change your life! You deserve to live the life you love!!!!!! By your design! Be your choice!

Awesome news shared by Sr Executive Lynda Alexander~
One of the teachers at school called and needed her foundation. I told her I would come during lunch break, let others know and I would give everyone 25% discount for Friday only!

I took the new 50+ Night Cream and new Platinum Lip Colors and Foundation, product catalogs and order 1 1/2 hours I MADE $750!!!!!! I matched shades, did demo with the night cream, answered questions...several bought $100 worth after calling their husbands and telling them not to get them anything for Valentine's Day they had just bought it themselves!!!!!!!

Their are opportunites everywhere - but you have to create them!

Get up, get dressed and go prospecting weekly! Have a day you designate for fake shopping!!
Go shopping and take samples of bath minerals, take show of hands card samples, flyers from spa and you are ready to go! Step out of your comfort zone & soon you will be doing what once seemed impossible! This business is all about finding out what you are made of- discovering your inner strength and talents! More to come soon! Keep checking back for secrets to your success & please share your success! Blair, Your Spa Girl On The GO!!!!!
Enjoy the slideshow from New York City~ it's a combo of Elizabeth Brown's pictures and some of mine! Join us on the next trip!!!! Success tips will post here weekly-be sure to share yours!!!